April 28, 2020


We know it's been tough for everyone to be sheltered in their homes. As a way to let our employees know we are all in this together, and that we are thinking of them, each member of our staff received a surprise care package brimmed with Amazon goodies!

Please enjoy the following selfies, featuring some of our unexpecting employees and their carefully-selected items:

Top left to right: Alex Lewis, who is not happy sharing, Holly Sollier, who thinks she won the jackpot, and Matt Shoor as Wally the walrus.

Bottom left to right: Erich Bixler as Chewy, Simon Cygielski's furry friend trying to sneak a snack, and Pedro Zepeda with a cutie pie!

Top left to right: Jessica Hufford, David Scott and Hervé Sivuilu.

Bottom left to right: Michele Durrani and her son fighting it out for the goodies, Jeffrey McQuiston and Jenny Kuether.

And here is Kelly Van Eaton, who will certainly be sharing.