February 1, 2022

Over the past couple of years Epstein has been helping Spirit Airlines with the installation of Materna self-bag-drop (SBD) units throughout the United States. Materna is one of the leaders in design of automated baggage drop-off systems for airports and airlines throughout the world. With these Materna systems Sprit is improving the passenger experience by limiting lines in ticketing/baggage queues with an accelerated self-service baggage drop-off process that is simple and intuitive and most importantly, time saving.

Epstein’s work for Spirit’s SBD program involves project management, architecture, electrical engineering and structural engineering and last week, our work at Dallas/Ft. Worth International Airport (DFW) was completed.

At DFW Epstein was responsible for the installation of five SBDs which involved providing proper power and data transmission capabilities as well as connectivity to Spirit’s IT rack in the airline’s ticketing office. In addition, Epstein’s team also was able to salvage five common-use ticket counters and return them to DFW for future use.
