May 4, 2020


We have another round of the "Shelter in Place Shots" challenge in the books.

During this time, its more important than ever to stay connected and embrace the spirit of community. As we are settling into our new working environments, we wanted to offer a fun way to share moments with each other and celebrate the strength of the Epstein family. Therefore, in an effort to stay connected, we created a friendly competition, Shelter in Place Shots. Each week, a new topic is selected; our employees are then asked to take and share a photo correlating to that theme.

For the latest challenge, we wanted to see everyone's at-home "coworkers," be them furry, little, big, or green. Please see the top five finalists below:

"Boss Baby and QC Manager"

"I REALLY miss my Epstein coworkers." We miss you too, Lori!

"I'm being worked like a dog." - Charlie Hilty.

"Expectation vs. reality."

"I am WFH and lazybone's attending a lecture."

And the winner went to photo no. 2, which was sent in by Lori Chandler! Congratulations, Lori, and, by the looks of things, you have it all under control. =)

Please see below for some more of Epstein's step-in coworkers:

And a few more...