December 15, 2021

We are equally as excited as we are (selfishly) melancholy to share that our Virginia Knight is retiring after an impressive 25 years at Epstein.

Virginia, who serves as our senior administrative assistant, will officially hit her 25-year mark on December 30th. We were so glad to be able to celebrate her and have an opportunity to commemorate all of her accomplishments with a staff party. It was wonderful for Epsteiners to have a chance to share some of their favorite stories about Virginia and also to hear from Virginia herself on what her time at Epstein has meant to her.

On that note, a few additional colleagues have provided the following parting words for Virginia:

Noel Abbott:

"We're all going to miss Virginia's presence at Epstein. She's one of the kindest individuals I've ever met and she's always a pleasure to work with. I've really loved getting to know her over the past 20-plus years and to hear stories about her daughter and grandkids. My hope for Virginia in her very-deserved retirement is that she finally gets to meet the love of her life, Antonio Banderas. Right, Virginia?"

Gail Pollard:

"Virginia is the kindest, most positive person you will ever meet. Six years ago, Virginia introduced me to the group and I still remember my first day with her. She made me feel welcome. I love to hear her laugh and see her smile. I am going to miss her!"

Stu White:

"Virginia is the most caring, kind, compassionate person I have ever worked with. I have not worked with anyone who cares about her co-workers and the company more than Virginia. Regardless of the circumstances or challenges that life puts upon us, she has always had a way of brightening up each person’s day with her smile and her optimistic attitude. Every company needs a Virginia; thank goodness we had ours for 25 years."

Judy Sells:

"Anecdotes about Virginia? I guess the biggest story here is that there is no story! Virginia has always been exemplary professional, meticulous in carrying out her work, no drama, no fanfare - just energy and grace. And then going above and beyond. She’s a charmer through and through, ever ready with that beautiful smile, which she’s worn without fail through some very trying times. She’s my instructor, my hero. She’s an angel to us all."

Virginia, your Epstein family wishes you the absolute best moving forward! Congratulations on an outstanding career. Your presence and all you do for Epstein will be greatly missed. Don't forget to visit us!
