September 30, 2020

The Illinois Bike Summit on Tuesday, Sept. 15, is a virtual conference that brings together biking enthusiasts of all types for a daylong discussion to improve bike riding in Illinois. Hosted by Ride Illinois, the statewide, nonprofit bike advocacy organization, this forum enables transportation planners, shop owners, cycling advocates, engineers, lawyers and the general biking public to share ideas, collaborate and inspire one another.

With a range of session topics, from bikeway design and tips to advocacy and community engagement, the summit offers strategies to make communities more bike-friendly.

We're proud to share Epstein's Tim Gustafson, AICP, Senior Planner, is teaching a professional training event with the Illinois Department of Transportation's Carlos Feliciano. Being held on Monday, Sept. 14 from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m, their event topic is “bicycle design suited for urban and suburban environments and IDOT’s updated policies for bicycle and pedestrian accommodations along state roads."

The themes for the 2020 Illinois Bike Summit are: Infrastructure, Education and Inclusion. These important topics will be woven into many of the presentations and breakout sessions.

We hope to see you there!