June 11, 2020

Last month, Epstein placed a company-wide focus on the importance of regularly taking care of one's mental health, especially during the difficult and unusual circumstances affecting the world as of late. This week, we are shifting gears slightly, and turning our attention to nutritional health.

While maintaining a healthy diet and eliminating toxins are an important part of leading a healthy lifestyle, there are plenty of additional ways to develop and partake in good health practices.

In a new effort to accomplish just that, Epstein created our own take on a classic game, called "Wellness BINGO." Our game follows the typical rules and concept of regular BINGO, however, our card has five different categories promoting overall wellness. The categories are mental, nutritional, community, physical and financial health. The goal of the game is to complete five tasks (in a straight or diagonal line, of course) within the given deadline. Some of the tasks include: watch a TED talk on mental health, incorporate five vegetables/fruits in your meals in one day, write an inspiring message to essential workers, do 100 jumping jacks, and pay extra on a credit card.

How many of those could you scratch off?

We are delighted to share that Sarah Bush, a design professional in our Architecture department, was our first winner! Congratulations, Sarah!

We are committed to the well-being of our staff and will continue to encourage healthy lifestyles. "While we accomplish these tasks, please take the time to think about your own health, research ways of improving it for your own benefit, reach out to people in your community and, maybe, make a difference for yourself or someone else!" a note from our HR department states.

Good luck to all for our next round of Wellness BINGO!